Saturday, December 13, 2008

Dr Floras Colon Cleanse Day 2 – So Far So Good

Here I am on my second day of taking Dr Floras Colon Cleanse. I am following the instructions on the bottle to the tee. Last night after I made my first blog post I took my first colon cleanse shake. I mixed it with water. I will be a completely honest, it was not the tastiest thing I have ever had, but it went down good with no problems.

Today I took my next Dr Floras shake one hour after my lunch. The bottle says to take it either one hour before or one hour after eating a meal. I decided to take it after I ate. Today I mixed it with grape juice and it tasted a LOT better than yesterday when I mixed it with water. I think grape juice is the way to go with this Dr Floras cleanse.

So far, I do not feel any different. But it has only been a day and a half of using Dr Floras colon cleanse. I know it will take a few days to detox my body. So I will keep in touch every few days like I said in my first post and let you know how things are going for me.

Wish me luck with my new body cleanse!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Dr. Floras Colon Cleanse - Does it Work?

This is my first experience with a colon cleanse. I am not sure how well it will work for me, but we will see. I have heard nothing but good things about detoxifying your body with a good colon cleanser. Some of the symptoms that I have been suffering from that I heard a colon cleanser can help me with are:

1. I have trouble sleeping through the night
2. I have headaches frequently
3. I don't have the energy that I used to have a year ago

These are just a few of the many things that I heard that a good colon cleanse can help me with.

I spent a few hours doing my research on which colon cleanse to use, and I have decided to use Dr. Floras Colon Cleanse, not only because of the very good reviews I have read, but also because they offer a 365 day money back guarantee on all used and UN-used products. How can you go wrong with that, if it does not work the way you want?

So, I placed my order for Dr. Floras 4 days ago, and as I am writing this blog, I am sitting here with the package that arrived this afternoon. I will start my cleanse with Dr. Floras tonight, and i will keep you updated every few days with my progress.

This is where I ordered the Colon Cleanse that I will be starting.